10th Anniversary Hot Products Mark Hahn Memorial Havasu 300, presented by Yamaha…a success!
Another year and another Hot Products Mark Hahn Memorial Havasu 300 presented by Yamaha race is in the books. This year was special, marking the 10th anniversary of the iconic race. The starting line was an impressive sight with racers from all over the globe making the trek to honor the memory of Mark Hahn.Anya Colley and Russell Marmon made the trek from the UK as well as last year's victor Jean Bruno Pastorello from France and Juanfa of PWCOFFSHORE.com Racing made the journey from Uruguay to do battle against fellow racers and the elements to name just a few. The USA also had the usual faces as well as some new. Unfortunately Mike Bonin of Hydro-turf did not make it onto the water as his partner suffered an injury and was not able to attend. We were all looking forward to see how Bonin would stand up to the gruel of the Mark Hahn but we were denied! Next year...maybe?One of this year's surprises was the return of the titan Chris "The Fish" Fischetti. Yes, we all have seen him at World Finals sneaking around Kokomos in stealth like fashion but to see him racing on the water again was just flat out awesome. The Fish, of course, had his signature bling of a smile and fin laden lid so he was easy to spot. Pro Rider managed to steal a few minutes to speak with "The Fish" before the race. "I have been training for this race, mostly Motorcross, surfing an mountain biking." explained Chris, "I am ready!" Something tells me this is not the last we will see of Chris in the PWC scene and Pro Rider will be all up and personal with Chris on his new PWC brewings. Stay tuned!Mark Hahn's son-in-law, Vince Ferrara, took part in this years event. He rode a replica of Mark Hahn's red, white and blue ski in honor of his Father-in-law. Along with teammate, Chris Adams, Vince finished a respectable 27th overall and 10th in their class. Well done chaps!!A fan favorite, Amy Green, raced #331 this year in memory of Myles Andreasen who passed away last year. Amy partnered with Eric Burton and JJ Hickey with the team finishing 29th overall out of 57 teams.
Team Pastorello suffered some issues early on in the race and was not able to retain the title from last year.
This year the overall went to #7 Craig Warner who is proving to be the man to beat in the PWC endurance world. He raced the Hahn Iron Man style with no teammate to give him a break. He completed the 300 miles in just over four and a half hours with his speed reaching 71 miles per hour at times an amazing feat. Congratulations to Craig...you are an animal!
The Mark Hahn Memorial this year was just pure amazing. The pits were buzzing with the usual helping hand available to anyone who needed it regardless of who you were. It didn't really matter if you won or lost it was the taking part that mattered and where the PWC family came together to enjoy friendly competition in honor of a man that has become the heart of endurance racing. A big thank you to Mike Follmer who managed to pull off another great race along with Ross Wallach who is always the ultimate professional. "This year's race has great meaning to me. The race has become a global phenomena which is a huge accomplishment." Mike Follmer shared. "It is wonderful to think that racers from all over the globe come to race for the chance to have a (Mark Hahn memorial) trophy on the mantle." Pro Rider agrees, it is a true testament to this race when you consider the time and money invested in equipment and travel to race a single day event.Mark's family was in attendance for the awards banquet. Sandy Hahn gave an emotional speech and her daughter assisted Mike Follmer with presenting the Mark Hahn Memorial cup to KC Heidler. The cup is presented to the person who has contributed to the PWC world and is chosen by Mike Follmer. Congratulations KC! well deserved."I would like to thank all the sponsors and supporters of the event." Mike continued, "without the support of these key companies the Hot Products 10th anniversary Mark Hahn Memorial Havasu 300 presented by Yamaha would not be possible." Mike added. "Thank you Scott Saito and Tom Perry from Hot Products, Yamaha Motor Corporation USA, Inc., Havasu Powersports, SeaDoo BRP, Hydro-Turf, RIVA Motorsports, R&D Bill Chapin Glen Dickinson, Clawsons Motorsports, Motul, Discount Tire, PWCOFFSHORE.COM, SPEED Energy, Coach T.S. BarBQue, Lake Havasu and the Aquatic Center, Tech One MotorSports, E-Time It, CMD Marine DynoJet.Congratulations to all who raced to those who won in their specific classes. Access the Mark Hahn 300 memorial results here:http://www.mylaps.com/en/classification/2974106The 11th annual Mark Hahn Memorial 300 is scheduled for February 23 2015.Thank you to our own Danyelle Glendenning for the great pics. Pictures also provided by Mike Follmer and PWCOFFSHORE.COM. Make sure you get your issue of ProRider Watercraft Magazine for a one of a kind spread on this great race.