2013 Blue Water Resort & Casino Jettribe West Coast Nationals Information
The Blue Water Resort & Casino IJSBA Jettribe West Coast Nationals. Presented by Sea-Doo, Hot Products, Optima Racing, Hydro-Turf, Bomber Eyewear, Arizona Jet Ski & Tech-One Racing is coming up on April 20th & 21st in Parker, AZ
IJSBA.comThere are two way to pre-register for this race:Attached please find the entry form (in both PDF and Word Doc) for the race which is sanctioned by the IJSBA. If paying by check or cash on-site, please fill it out and email it back to me at rpmracingent@yahoo.com at your earliest convenience as we need to organize the race schedule, etc. You may join the IJSBA on-site at the Blue Water Resort & Casino when you check in and clear registration.
To register online, via Paypal, please click on the link below: (Note: Each round (Sat. & Sun.) must be registered separately) https://www.elbowspace.comNote: All racers must provide proof of current health insurance coverage and racers under the age of 16 must provide a copy of the birth certificate at racer check in on Friday, April 19th or Saturday April 20th.To reserve your room at the Blue Water Resort & Casino (888) 243-3360 orwww.bluewaterfun.comNote: There is NO "racer rate" and the resort is going to be looking at total reservations made on the race weekend to determine future sponsorship of future events so I encourage all race teams to patronize the Blue Water so we can count on future events at this great race site! AAA and other discounts may apply.
Hot Products Cup
HOT PRODUCTS CUP: RPM Racing Enterprises is pleased to announce that All Classeswith 5 or more entries at every round offered of the 2013 JETTRIBE West Coast Series Championship that are eligible for the 2013 IJSBA HOT PRODUCTS World Finals will be part of this years HOT PRODUCTS CUP. Winners of each class of the 2013 JETTRIBE West Coast Series will receive their entry fee paid by HOT PRODUCTS for the 2013 IJSBA HOT PRODUCTS World Finals in Lake Havasu. Those classes that are not eligible for the 2013 World Finals and have 5 or more entries in every round offered will receive an overall series trophy or plaque/Number #1. Classes with less than 5 entries will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine merit for overall series champion status.Prize money: We are still finalizing the exact amount that will be paid out to the Pro Ski/Runabout and Pro Freestyle class(es), at a minimum there will be 50% payback in these classes.JETTRIBE WEST COAST NATIONALS SCHEDULE OF EVENTSpresented bySea-Doo, Hot Products, Hydro-Turf, Optima Racing, Bomber Eyewear, Arizona Jet Ski & Tech One RacingFriday April 19th, 2013 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Racer Check-in, Late Registration at the River's Edge CantinaSaturday April 20th, 2013 - Schedule of Events - Round 1 6:45 am - 8:00 am Technical Inspection & Rider Check In/Late Registration- River's Edge Cantina
8:10 am - 8:45 am Mandatory Riders Meeting (all riders must attend!!)
8:30 am - 10:00 am Closed Course Practice
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Closed Course Qualifying
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm Freestyle
1:45 pm - 5:00 pm Closed Course FinalsSunday April 21st, 2013 - Schedule of Events - Round 2 7:15 am - 8:00 am Technical Inspection & Late Rider Check In/Registration- River's Edge Cantina
8:30 am - 10:00 am Closed Course Practice
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Closed Course Qualifying
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm Freestyle
1:45 pm - end Closed Course Finals
5:00 pm Awards CeremonyImportant Info for all Participants: Please read! The pits will be open on Friday morning. There are NO Motorhomes on the River side of thepits. All motorhomes go on the opposite side of the beach (behind the Ampitheater) - dry camping only. If you want full power you need to make arrangements with the Blue Water RVPark located adjacent to the pits- please call (928) 669-2433 to make your reservation.
All race pits take priority over Motorhomes!!! Please do NOT spread out. Take only enough for your pit and please be good neighbors to your fellow racers. Do not set up until cleared by the pit manager!Pit Vehicles: Absolutely NO motorized vehicles on the beach, hand carting in and out only. Motorizedlaunch (cars/trucks/quads/etc.) must use the launch/pick up ramp. Please do not park or setup your pit where the chains are dropped, that is the launch/pick up ramp(s). No extra pitvehicles will be permitted. Each entry and or boat will receive ONE (1) pit pass for theirvehicle. All vehicles must display the proper parking pass (to be received at check-in/late registration). Parking of additional vehicles is above in the Resort parking lot.Fuel: All fuel must be stowed off the ground. If you are storing fuel in the back of your truck you may not back the truck over the water per the Coast Guard and EPA. Failure to comply will result in a fine or dq at the Coast Guard's discretion. All fuel barrel's and or fuel containers (ie: VP 5 gallon cans) must be removed by the owner at the end of the race weekend. All fuel barrel's/containers will be marked and if left the participant will forfeit all points/prize money, etc. (take your fuel cans/barrel's with you, please don't leave them).Racer Check-In: ALL racers/families/crew members must check-in at the River's Edge Cantina on Friday starting at Noon until 6:00 p.m. and again on Saturday morning at 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. If you've pre-registered you still must check-in, sign the waivers and receive your credentials. If you haven't registered you may do so during the days/times stated. Please do not wait until registration is closing to either get registered or clear registration.Thanks for your support!Ross Wallach, President
1803 Morgan Lane
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Phone (310) 318-4012 www.rpmracingent.com[fblike]