2013 Hot Products World Finals/IJSBA Mid August Update
IJSBA is pleased to release this Mid-August update. We have crossed the “50 days until gates open” point and things are moving very fast. Finishing touches are being put on the vendor alley and new ideas for race tracks are being circulated. Some of these developments should be finalized by the next update. News will be coming at a quicker pace, so, please check the website often.In the meantime, please share the following news with your friends and colleagues in the PWC Racing community. When doing so, remind them that this World Finals is made possible by the generosity of Hot Products. If you are buying performance PWC parts and aren’t buying them from a Hot Products dealer, you are not investing back in your own sport. Make sure your performance parts source is a Hot Products dealer and, if they aren’t, you might suggest they become one… Ok, back to the update:ScheduleThe schedule continues to evolve. While it does, please remember that this schedule is tentative and will remain so for at least the next month. With the exception of Novice Women’s Ski, your class probably doesn’t have the possibility of changing by more than a day. We will strive to accommodate as many requests as possible.The World Finals is always scheduled to end the Sunday before Columbus Day. As the years go by, that Columbus day gets pushed to later in the month. In October, the daylight starts disappearing. We are on the slide where the daylight will be more scarce than in the previous year. As the classes continue to grow, we will need to shuffle things round to make sure we are running in plenty of daylight.Novice Womens’ Ski is subject to change heavily as we hear from the needs of the participant in this class There is demand to have this class end on Tuesday as well as demand to have the class on Friday. Please send in comments as to how this affects your participation.Pro Am Runabout Stock is now slated to be a class that is run on the final weekend of the event. This is to promote Stock Class racing and to highlight the competitiveness of the models persons will purchase on the showroom floor. This has been requested for the last couple of years and it looks like it will now be happening.Additional Vintage Motos have been added. Both Vintage Ski and Vintage X2 are now scheduled to run twice on their respective days. These classes may not be able to stay on the final weekend in the next coming year. However, they will stay where they are for 2013.Pro Am Runabout Limited is likely to run all in one day. This is proving to be the most difficult class to place as we are trying to accommodate everyone’s needs. If you are in this class, we need to hear from you as to your comprehensive World Finals plans.Here is the current non-competition schedule at a glance:Saturday October 5:12:00 PM Registration and Check in at Havasu Powersports1:00 PM Pit Gates OpenSunday October 6:10:00 AM Registration and Check in at Havasu Powersports11:00 AM Pit Gates Open7:00 PM Spaghetti Dinner and Riders’ Meeting at London Bridge ResortThursday October 10:Morning Riva Performance Parts Seminar [pending]Morning Sea-Doo Owners’ Ride To Topoc7:30 PM US Promoters Meeting at London Bridge Resort9:30 PM International Affiliates Meeting at London Bridge ResortFriday October 11:7:00 PM Awards for all completed classesSaturday October 12:6:30 PM Under The London Bridge:Pro FreestyleProduct DemonstrationsDrag Boat Fire UpLegacy/Hall of Fame VIP appreciationSunday October 13:7:00 PM Awards at London Bridge ResortHotels: IJSBA is still working diligently on special hotel deals for participants and spectators to the 2013 Hot Products World Finals. As it is, most of our regular partner hotels has the bulk of their rooms booked by repeat business from the 2012 World Finals attendees. IJSBA will only partner with hotels who assure us that any rooms listed under the IJSBA World Finals room block will be lower than what is available on internet wholesalers like Expedia and Hotels.com. There will still be specials for our regular partners that are already sold out where there are nights available (London Bridge, Nautical) and we will have open specials at The Sands and The Sand Castle.Reminder of Changes to Womens’ Runabout: This is another reminder that the Womens’ Runabout rules have changed. If you are competing on a normally aspirated Runabout then Limited Class rules still apply. If you are on a supercharged or turbocharged Runabout the Stock Class rules apply. However, you will still be able to utilize an aftermarket seat if you are on a Stock Class Runabout.Reminder of Changes to Veterans’ Runabout: This is another reminder that the Veterans’ Runabout rules have changed. If you are competing on a normally aspirated Runabout then Open Class rules apply. If you are competing on a supercharged or turbocharged Runabout, the Limited Class rules apply.Hall of Fame Even Numbered Years: There will be no Hall of Fame in 2013. Beginning in 2014, The Hall of Fame will happen on even numbered years only. Hall of Fame will continue to take place on Saturday Night. This year, the resources required to reintroduce the Saturday night program force us to concentrate on producing that portion of the event so it will a success capable of repeating for next year and years beyond.Congress Of Rules Odd Numbered Years: Beginning in 2015, there will be an annual Congress of Rules. This Congress of Rules will be the actual voting procedure for the changes to the IJSBA Rule Book. Rules will remain in place for periods of two years, until the next Congress of Rules which will determine which, if any, rules shall be changed. More news will be developing on this procedure as we continue to build the methodology for increasing participation in the rule change process.Ross Moore: Ross More, the head of the Australian Jet Sports Boating Association, is not seeking reelection to his term as AJSBA President citing needs to manage his business and spend time with family. This is a terrible loss for the sport as Ross has always been a heavily relied upon consultant in IJSBA policy. Ross More was instrumental in the development of the Surf World Championships, and has served as a race director for Kings Cup and the IJSBA Offshore World Championships. He has also been a World Finals tech director. IJSBA would like to take this time to recognize his remarkable career and to wish him the very best in his future endeavors.Good luck in the remaining 2013 events: This weekend, The UWP/IJSBA National Tour will wrap up in Charleston, West Virginia. The European IJSBA Tour will end in The United Kingdom (along with the European Freestyle Tour). RPM Racing, the 2013 leading promoter in the United States, will have their season finale in Lake Perris, California. P1 will have an Aqua X event in Florida, and Peru will be holding an international event. There are still a couple of events remaining in the USA, Canada, and other parts throughout the globe. It is not too late to be eligible for the 2013 World Finals. Which brings us to…Eligibility: One more time, so there is no confusion or question of whether it applies to you (because is does), all persons seeking to participate in the 2013 Hot Products World Finals must be eligible. To be eligible, ALL of the following requirements must be satisfied:
You must be a valid member of IJSBA or an IJSBA International Affiliate. You must be a member of the National Affiliate of the country in which you have citizenship as determined by your passport. There is no exception to this policy.
You must be a member in good standing. This means that you have no unresolved disciplinary action, owe no funds, and have no other outstanding matters pending with IJSBA or an IJSBA Affiliate.
You must have participated in an IJSBA sanctioned event in the 2013 Season. You also must have participated in a Closed Course event if you plan to participate in the Closed Course portion of World Finals and Freestyle if you are competing in Freestyle. If did not participate in an event in 2013, but did participate in events in 2012, then you may apply to IJSBA for a hardship exemption to satisfy this portion of the eligibility criteria.
The Affiliate and/or Promoter of the event(s) you used for qualifying must also be active and in good standing with IJSBA. IJSBA is not responsible for any Affiliates or Promoters who misrepresented to their customers the validity of their standing with IJSBA. Please contact your promoter to ensure that the promoter is current with IJSBA and has no outstanding matters.
Vendors: Vendor spaces are nearly sold out. If you are a pending participant in the Trade Show portion of the 2013 Hot Products World Finals, please contact us to confirm you booth space right away. There is absolutely zero vending or other sales allowed in the pits or anywhere on Crazy Horse Campgrounds outside of the vendor alley. This is not just the policy of IJSBA but the policy of Lake Havasu City who will be heavily enforcing sales rules and laws in 2013. World Finals vendors are reminded of their obligations to get the necessary permits to sell or represent products in the Vendor Alley. Please contact IJSBA for assistance.Well, that’s it for this rule heavy update. Sorry about all the “do this, don’t do that” business but, unfortunately, it must be done. There will be more of the same in the next update as we remind all of you of the conditions and policies necessary for the World Finals event permits to remain in place. To make things worse, Summer will likely be officially over when the next full update is issued. Those of you who are heading back to school next week, or have already headed back to school, probably feel that summer is already over. If you have any questions or comments about this update, or about the 2013 Hot Products World Finals, please feel free to contact IJSBA by emailing info@ijsba.com or by calling +1-714-751-8695[fblike]