2014 Grayland Open / Rd 1 Krash Nationals Competition Style Event Information
2014 Grayland Open / Rd 1 Krash Nationals Competition style event informationBy: Grayland OpenPhoto: DENISE KNUDSONHead to head timed 6 minute heats in a section that is marked with 14 ft tall red flags on the beach. Every rider will get a minimum of 2 heats and possibly more, depending on where you end up in the bracketing. There will be 3 flags - Green flag means that competition is under way. Yellow flag is the 1 minute warning flag. Redflag means to come back to shore immediately because the heat is over. All competitors are required to wear a helmet with a chin guard and sign a liability waiver. Nick Barton from Krash Industries will be in charge of Running the competition and he will be available to answer any other questions at the rider's meeting.Stand up classes – All will get Krash U.S. National tour points
Masters Class (35yrs and older)
Rookie class - beginner surf class
Amateur (Grayland Open main event) surf and Air
Pro – for the big ballers
Runabout Classes – Will get Krash U.S National Tour Points
Runabout class
Entry Fees are $50 per class enteredPro Jam –After the competition is over on Sunday, the top 8 riders (if your ski is still intact) as decided by the judges will have a 15 min heat all at once to go as big and crazy as you can to win over the judges and be crowned king of the Pro Jam! No entry fee for those that are invited to be in the Pro Jam. You earn that spot during the competition.Grayland Open Special Awards
Gnarliest wipeout
Broken ski
Sickest Trick
Pro Jam
How to Score points for the judges:Surf
Choose the best wave available but don’t wait too long. 6 min. is plenty of time to find a good couple of waves.
Ride the full face of the wave and be sure to get into critical areas of the wave in a bottom to top S motion. Slashing at the top of the wave makes judges and fans smile.
Re-entry (jumping out of the wave and landing back into that same wave) – bigger is better! This adds some nice style to a surf score.
Once you have chosen a wave, be sure to ride it all the way in until it crumbles out making the most out of it.
Stay on you ski…..
Don’t cut the other rider off when he is in a wave, judges do not like this. Give a safe space cushion and be respectful of the other rider and know that there are plenty more waves coming.
Amplitude – going bigger always has a bigger impact and looks better to the judges. The biggest tricks with the highest level of difficulty will score big points.
Technical difficulty – The judges are aware of how hard tricks are to do. Tricks with a higher level of difficulty are always scored higher.
Variation – doing the same trick over and over will score some points but you will score much higher if you do many different tricks. Mix it up if you can!
Fluency – perfectly timed landings and quick recoveries show how dialed in you are on your bigger tricks.
A well rounded 50/50 run will have a good mix of both Surf and Air2014 Grayland Open ScheduleThursday Aug. 7th- Set up / practice day. If you arrive early and would like to give a hand, just head to the competition location ( Grayland Beach Rd.) and get with one of the organizers to help out. Things to help out with include setting up scaffolding, banners, tables, pop ups traffic lanes etc…Judges / organizers meeting at 8pm at the Cranberry Rd. WineryFriday August 8th – Starting at 10 am we will have a freeride clinic. The clinic is free and will be put on by the top riders in the freeride industry. There will be some instruction on the beach followed by on the water training in small groups. Riders at every skill level are encouraged to attend. This is a unique opportunity to get some one on one training from the best riders in the world. We may run a few heats on Friday night depending on surf conditions and rider availability etc… If you would like to run one of your heats for the competition on Friday night, get with Dan Lindgren or Nick Barton and we’ll try to make it happen. Evening hang out location is the Cranberry winery / bog water Brewery Location: 2858 S Forrest St, Westport, WA 98595 (360) 268-7082)Saturday Aug. 9th - Main competition day. Signups are from 8-9:30 am. Riders’ meeting is at 9:30 am. We will start the competition promptly at 10 am. Heats will run all day with a mid-day break for the judges and safety crew to get some lunch. We will run heats until late in the afternoon. Estimated last heats will be around 5 or 6pm depending on how the weather and surf is throughout the day. After we're done we will all head to the Cranberry Winery / Bog Water Brewery for live music and dinner catered by Bennet’s for the competitors and sponsors. There will be wood fired Pizza and beverages available for the public. After dinner we’ll have a bonfire and i'm sure some shenanigans behind the Winery.Sunday Aug. 10th – We will again start at 10am with the finals for the Amateur, Pro and Masters Classes. After the finals we will have a short break and start the Pro Jam (top 8 riders all on the water at once for 15 min.). After the Pro Jam there will again be a short break while the awards Ceremony is organized. We should be doing awards before or around 3 pm if all goes as planned. After awards it is tear down and freeride time. Lend a hand if you can to help get the main table, banners and scaffolding packed up. See Dan Lindgren or Chris Farrell if you want to help out. After the event everyone is welcome to stick around and ride or just hang out.If you need any other information, please email graylandopencontact@gmail.comwebsite: www.grayland-open.com [fblike]