Ok, many of you in the watercraft world may not know who Anthony is but you will very soon!We first met Anthony at the Liquid Militia Team Weekend where he came to hang out with the rest of us and enjoy some quality down time. This guy is a true inspiration. Prorider spent 5 minutes with Anthony Radetic, and here is what he had to say.
PR: Can you give us a little background on yourself? Who are you and where did you come from? AR: I was born in Ft Lauderdale FL. I live in Abbeville AL now with my family. I'm a former army helicopter pilot. I was hurt in 2004 in a motor vehicle accident that left me in a wheelchair and an early retirement from the best job ever! But that doesn't hold me back for doing the other things I love.
PR: What other sports are you into?AR: I love sports, it’s the active competitive spirit in me I guess. Handcycling and Mono skiing is what I do through the year. I train out of Aspen Colorado with the US National Ski Team hoping to represent our great Nation for the next winter Paralympics 2018 in Korea, during my off-season I hand-cycle maintaining a military standard so I can compete in that sport as well. PR: You just completed the grueling LB2Cat endurance race how was that experience and would you do it again?AR: There is something about going fast, so fast that I'm at the edge of the envelope of speed and control that I have a fascination with. Being on the water for me is a great equalizer and when you combine a muscle craft in the mix....it's like a dream come true. I believe all of my experience has contributed to yesterday's race. TheLB2CAT was one tremendous experience for me, an eye opener, definitely found out my weaknesses and my strengths. Endurance is not one of them. Definitely I need to focus on the right equipment that is right for the job. I'm hoping I can get all of it squared away in time for the next race that is just around the corner. The PWC racing community is amazing, they are all so willing to help, truly a down to earth mentality. I can't wait to meet more like minded folks!
Anthony is in preparation cycling race next month and plans to race pwc in September.Images by PWCOffshore.com[fblike]