PR: What is your biggest accomplishment so far? KC: Beating some top pros, was the 2013 west national champ in pro ski gp.
PR: What are your plans / goals for the near future? KC: Have a fun off season, race some motocross and see which of next year’s races I'm going to do.PR: What advice would you give someone new coming into the sport? KC: It's really committing to the sport, so ride as much as possible and a lot of training but mainly have fun because if you’re not you won't get good results.PR: If money was object what would you like to be doing right now? KC: If money was no object I would love to be doing motocross.PR: Is there anyone you would like to thank and / or acknowledge? KC: I want to thank my Dad, bullet racing, ultimate watercraft, Villon clothing, Optimum Racing, Hot Products, Skat Trak, Oakley, Ryno power, Jettrim and Macc racing. [fblike]