Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine is proud to unveil the cover of the highly coveted 2015 March/April Swimsuit issue!This issue’s money shot is the work of the very talented Michael James Kirk and Megan Callahan. We had the pleasure of meeting and working with Michael on several occasions during trips to Oregon and Lake Havasu, Arizona. Michael is known for his brilliant artistic style and eye for detail, couple that with Megan’s fitness dedication and body building experience and you’ve got a recipe for one helluva cover shot! This is not the first time that Megan has graced the cover of the Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine Swimsuit edition, but when you look this good, who’s going to argue?!If you can get past our lovely cover model, you may recognize Zack Bright’s beautiful Blowsion-built Krash Industries Predator free ride hull. Don’t miss out on great features including coverage form the 2015 Thrust Innovations, LLC Daytona Freeride, an adventure to the Bahamas with Ashley Sponaugle, the Formula 2 Bradenton Riverwalk Regatta, an inside look at SBT, Jeff Troegner’s “Toreg-Mahal”, beautiful swimsuit models from all around the globe and much much more!Subscribe or renew today at!Layout & Design: Michael Birchall & Troika Studio
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