The 90th Oscars Award Show presents Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 310LX for Shortest Acceptance SpeechFoothill Ranch, Calif. – Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. (KMC) helped celebrate Hollywood on Sunday night as the Academy Awards and the 90th Oscars Award show presented a Kawasaki Jet Ski® Ultra® 310LX to Oscar winner Mark Bridges for having the shortest acceptance speech of the night.“We were honored to be approached by the Academy’s production team to act as a prize provider of a Kawasaki Jet Ski,” said Kawasaki Vice President, Marketing Chris Brull. “We were blown away with how the Jet Ski was integrated into the show by Jimmy (Kimmel) and that so many winners made mention of the Jet Ski on stage as well as on social media. This was a fantastic integration for us and we are pleased to provide a 2018 Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 310LX to Mark Bridges following his exciting win.” The Jet Ski first came on stage during the show's monologue when host Jimmy Kimmel announced it would be awarded for the shortest acceptance speech of the night. Many winners contributed to the bit, mentioning the Jet Ski in their speeches, but it was Bridges who collected the prize with a 36-second acceptance. Kawasaki’s social media team also got in on the act through offering up posts and polls throughout the award show engaging movie fans and new customers.Like, Tag & Share!