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Aqsa Aswar to be featured on the cover of the September/October World Finals issue of Pro Rider Watercraft MagazinePro Rider Watercraft Magazine is proud to unveil the cover of the highly coveted 2015 September/October World Finals issue!This issue, the money shot goes to Riva Racing, Dean's Team, Yamaha team rider, Aqsa Aswar, photographed by Pro Rider contributor, Kurt NgSaye. Kurt and Aqsa have both frequented the 2015 P1 Aqua X USA series and it’s always a pleasure to share their work. This particular photo was taken at the 2015 P1 Aqua X USA round in Daytona Beach, Florida.In this issue, you will get to take a look at the new 2016 Yamaha WaveRunner product line and their advancements in pwc technology. Check out the results list featuring the heaviest hitters in the US as the champions have been crowned at the final round of the Hidden Trails Motorsports Pro Watercross Tour in Charleston, West Virginia. Pro Rider teamed up with author and mindset coach, Tanja Mitton, on how we can all improve our mindset and athletic performance. Pro Rider technical contributor, Brian Sizemore, goes behind the scenes of Full Spectrum Racing Carburetors with owner Edward Brazina, and Anna Glennon reports in from Belle River, Canada on the Canadian Watercross Tour.Further coverage includes top-class Austrian pro racer and world traveler, Kevin Reiterer, shares his experiences from his recent trip to the stunning waters of New Zealand and more international pwc action including coverage from the 2015 Grayland Open, European Freestyle Championship, Jettribe Nordic Championship and more!Don’t miss an issue, subscribe or renew today at