Be safe on the water with Jobe!By: Jobe MediaFor a couple of years now, Jobe is sponsoring Water Rescue: a rescue team specialized in water sports events. They are active at different PWC events worldwide. We spoke to the technical director and head instructor of Water Rescue Jens Kammann, about the cooperation between Jobe and Water rescue and his role in it. It’s time to kiss and tell.Hi Jens, nice to meet you! Can you tell us a little more about water rescue?‘Of course! Water rescue is a special rescue team on the water. We are present at different events, like IJSBA World finals United States and the KingsCup Thailand (PWC World Cup). Everywhere we are, we work as a team together for safety. That’s our most important task.’Could you tell us why water rescue has chosen Jobe as a partner?‘Usually we are 10-12 hours a day on the water. We do this day by day, so it’s important to have high quality neoprene clothing on the water. A top quality is necessary, which Jobe offers. We recommend Jobe wetsuits as they withstand our requirements. Also the perfect fit and comfort is essential to us. The entire team is thrilled by the high quality and fair prices Jobe offers!’Is being in a rescue team a tough job?‘PWC racing is an exciting sport – for athletes and the crowd. Nevertheless safety rules and service will help to get it done as best as possible. A couple of our rescue marshals are track marshals as well. Safety starts before the race and we care for this too. This can be a tough job, because we work in all weather conditions. By sun rising until sun doom we are constantly on the water.’‘ The entire team is thrilled by the high quality and fair prices Jobe offers!’Who is your favourite Jobe athlete?‘In the PWC sport this is Rainer Eidner. He’s a PWC legend in Germany and all around the world. Beside him, Silke Hummel is a fantastic racing driver. She’s also member of our rescue team and she has got so much experience!’Do you have any last words for the Jobe fans?‘Our rescue team trust all of the Jobe clothes, from shoes, neoprene suits up to the gloves. Without good material we can’t exceed this hard job and look after the safety during so many water sports events. We thank Jobe for supporting all our rescue jobs. Ride safe!’[fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']