Monster Energy Kawasaki's and PWCOFFSHORE.COM CORE Team member Craig Warner wins the 2014 Long Beach to Catalina and Back Offshore National Championship Race on the Turbo Kawasaki ULTRA!By: PWC OffshorePhoto: PWC OffshoreSets all time record of five total championships beating legendary racer Billy Womack's record of four! Kawasaki Sweeps podium with Craig Warner, KC Heidler of PWCOFFSHORE.COM CORE Team and Factory Kawasaki Minoru Kanamori (on a manf stock 310!!) all on the Kawasaki ULTRA platform. Yamaha and/or SeaDoo does not answer for offshore in 2014 at LB2CAT. Kawasaki Dominates. “Those to watch” Mark Gerner of PWCOFFSHORE.COM CORE Team DNF's with a mechanical on the next-gen Turbo Kawasaki, Tera Laho DNF's on the Yamaha SVHO and two time Australian Offshore Champion Christian D’Agostin, Queensland goes down early and DNF's early with a blown hose clamp - many were looking forward to seeing Christian test his steel with the best of offshore and were sorry to see him go down so early in this race. More information and pictures coming![fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']