High Roller Energy Cronulla Rip’N Ride 6 Wrap up & results
As our final guests leave, I have had all of 2 seconds to start to try and wrap my head around what was an unbelievably amazing event!
By: Butch Pfrengle OzFreeride.com Firstly to our major Sponsors, High Roller, Yamaha, 701 and Jet Pilot you just keep upping the anti. Dan and Deanne, Iain and Jason, Dave and Chris what a show. I cant thank you enough for all your support to the Rip'N Ride. You are the reason this event just keeps getting bigger and better, and my only hope is that we have done you proud.AJSP, Craig and Adam promote this event like it's their own! The effort and guidance I have received from the very beginning is outstanding and we hope that our relationship continues for many years to come.The Wet Seat, Worx Racing Components, Rick Roy Poles, Solas, Krash Industries and Burn our Industry sponsors, Thank you. You are an invaluable part of our success.DASA racing, Hydro Turf, Yamaha Genuine Parts, Wollongong City Jet skis, Player One, Random Performance, Cold Fusion, Air Time Products, Thrust Innovations, Jettribe, NZ Freeride, Three swallows hotel, FP Jet skis, Freeride power sports, Jet Maniac , One industries, Jet Tech Industries, Sydney wide barge and excavation, 333 riders co, Captured Film Photography, Scout aerial Media, Prorider magazine, SPT Insurance, Jetski TV, Hood imagery, Crusty Magazine, BS Industries, Northies Hotel,carlton Dry, Scout Ariel Media, NSWFA and Ozfreeride.com your continual backing of not only this event, but me as an organiser makes me a very humble person, and I hope to continue to represent your company with all that I, and the Rip’N Ride has to offer.To every one of our riders, both National and International, what a wild week it's been. I think of all our events over the last six years, this would definitely have to top the carnage list! Tim Hindmarsh, Ryan Turner, Luke Rotolone , Jason Styles to name just a few, those ambo’s definitely got a work out!
Zack Bright, Bruno Jacob, Matthieu Courtois, all our New Zealand Family, The Tassie Boys, Heath Lavis from SA, the Victorians, the Queenslanders, the New South Welsh men and women and everyone who travelled from near and far just to be apart of this event, we thank you for your enthusiasm, your effort to be apart of the Rip’N Ride and your unmistakable dedication to the sport of freeride. The level of riding that was produced by not only some of the veterans but first time entrants was mind blowing. This sport is taking on a whole new level of ability and if last weekend was any indication we have a lot to look forward to.
To Krash Industries and the Australian Freestyle Championship, Thanks for putting your neck on the line again for the future of the sport. You had a talented bunch of riders doing some amazing freestyle riding and we wish you all the best for the upcoming rounds.
It was really great to have Carl and Kristen from Cold Fusion come all the way from California and experience the spirit of Rip'N Ride. I have no doubt that they will have many stories to tell when they return to the USA.Corin and Jason, from the Sunshine Coast Surf Slam event, my right hand men, who travelled down here just to help me out. I really could not have done it with out you. You were there for me right from the beginning and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I owe you big time.To our first time riders, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, The Rip’N Ride seems to be an addiction to those who start and we hope to see you in 2014.Andy Green, the mic master... you know how to control this event and get the crowd excited. Thanks for keeping things on track you certainly make my weekend a hell of a lot easier.To my wife, who not only “Let’s me do this”, but slaves away with every application, email, spread sheet, proposal and meeting, I would like to truly thank you. I know you do this because of me, and that’s why I love you.To my family, behind the scenes, cooking BBQ’s, spinning records, baby sitting, lending a hand, thank you also.To my friends, guys and girls that aren’t even in the sport, who have lent their time to help me out, it is a true reflection of your personality and friendship, thank you.My pack up crew, those that were slaving away on the beach till the very end, it seems to be the same crew every year, I know who you are and it means the world to me. Thank you.Big thanks to our Media guys and girls especially Player 1. You have a huge task ahead of you. Captured Film & Photography, Hood Imagery & Scout Ariel Media thanks again for you enormous effort.I’m off to Havasu next week to start my promotional campaign for RNR7 and hope to continue this wild ride with you all next year. See you in 2014, back in Cronulla. Ozfreeride & Rick Roy Products Rip'N Ride award- TOM Aiken- Won a DASA intake Manifold and Reeds - Wollongong City Jet ski Sickest Trick Award $1000- Glen Arena- Jetpilot Innovation Award-Brock taylor-Won RRP Pole - High Roller Energy Biggest/ highest jumpStand up -Ash Brady-Won a 701 GoPro & Mark Colling won a DASA intake Manifold and ReedsSit down- Jay Habib 333 won a DASA intake Manifold and Reeds - 333 riders Co Cherry Popper (first time Backflip)Cory Coops won Krash Industries Hood& Loren Fox won a 701 GoPro
- WCJ Superflip cherry popper -Cancelled- The Wet Seat Backflip Champion- Luke Emanuel Then Handed to Mark Colling by LukeWon a Solas Impeller 701 Industries - First to sink- Matt Howson Won a ATP Waterbox& Tom (Hank) Won a Fpjetski Nose Piece- AJSP Best overall ski- Leigh Watt won a Solas impeller wear ring- Solas Surf rider award- Mick Anthony won a Solas impeller wear ring- Worx Best 180- Luke Emanuel- First to enter RNR6- Zane Taylor won a Solas impeller
- Furthest Distance travelled to get to RNR6- Bruno Jacob Brazil won a Solas impeller wear ring
- Best contraption Award- Cold Fusion Carl Gramberg USA
- Random Performance-Wrenching Award- Zack Bright won Havoc Carbon tubes
& Shane Wilson won FPJetski Tubbies
- Burn Industries Biggest Bail AwardJay Styles
- Hydro-Turf Biggest Carnage Award- Ryan Turner won a Solas impeller wear ring
- Dummy spit Award won a ride plate from Havoc- Burn Industries Dismount Award- Luke Emanuel won a Rickter Vest
- DASA- Best Re entry Award-Pete McLoughlin won a Solas wear Ring
- Burn Industries Rat Rod Award- The Pig
- Krash Industries Surf slash Award- Keaton Watts
- The NZ's "Butch's Cup" Award- 701 dave
State Of Origin triathlon went to QLD - Brodie Copp Braden Peko
The 701 Go-Pro Prize- Butch
The 2014 Yamaha Superjet Riders raffle Winner- Campbell Pert
The 701 Industries Flagship Blaster surprise give away went to the second place raffle draw.- Franky Blaster
The final Ski Could not have gone to a more deserving person. The 3rd and very last Jetski give away @ Rip'N Ride which any member of the public that drank a Carlton Dry (beer) could win over a three week period. The Yamaha Superjet went to a entrant who was having micro surgery at the time the Waverunner was drawn. Could not have created better script if we tried.