Hot Products, Event Promoter Jim Russell of DSM Events and Executive Producer Mike Follmer would like to thank you for your support of the 9th Annual Hot Products IJSBA Mark Hahn Memorial Havasu 300
The event was held on Saturday February 23, 2013 in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. The event had 50+ teams from around the world competing.The Mark Hahn Memorial race has always enjoyed an extraordinary amount of favorable coverage in all types of media worldwide, making it one of the most popular events on everyone’s schedule. With the addition of LiveStream for the 9th Annual event the viewer numbers of over 100,000 hits on the day of the event should serve as a true testament to the popularity of the race and the great exposure all of the sponsors are enjoying.This year with the support of these great Hot Products Vendors: Impros, Tau Ceti, ADA Racing, Atlantis Enterprises, DS Sales, Jettrim, Monarch Products,, MSD Powersports, PWC Doctor, Skat-Trak, Mikuni America, WSM, Hunsaker, Jetinetics, PJS, Jet Dynamics. The total event purse was $6500.00. all the donated funds go to the purse.Hot Products along with Jim Russell and Mike Folmer have started the planning for the 2014 event. Hot Products has signed the contract for the title sponsorship for the 2014 Hot Products IJSBA Mark Hahn Memorial Havasu 300, this will be the 10th Annual event.Once again Scott and I would thank you for your support and we look forward to expanding our combined efforts in the future to grow our sport and business relationship.Tom Perry Hot Products