Hunter Verlander wins the XDubai Flyboard® World cup 2015
Hunter Verlander wins the XDubai Flyboard® World cup 201516 year old american, nicknamed « The Frog » surprised the Flyboard® world by winning the title of Pro World Champion against double World Champion Suksan Tongthai and North American Champion Damone Rippy.A freestyle competition at a top levelFor the 4th consecutive year, Zapata Racing invited the world best Flyboard® riders to fight for the World Champion title, in Dubai on 2nd, 3rd and 4th December.The competition counted 62 participants, selected on video, competing in Pro Rider, Ladies and Veteran categories.This edition was a wonderful occasion for the contestants to test the limits of the new Flyboard® Pro Series and to show the complete panel of possible tricks during their freestyle battles.Contestants are judged by a jury of 6 professionals that give a score for each of these citerias : technique, showmanship, diversity and energy.Flyboard® in a nutshellIn just 4 years, Flyboard® has become a recognized extreme sport that appeals to users looking to defy the laws of gravity as it allows the user to fly over 12m high or dive like a dolfin.Flyboard® is a deck with two nozzles pointing downwards, linked to a Jet Ski pump via a fire-type hose. The throttle is handled by the Flyboard® rider and the direction depend on the inclinasion of the deck.Like, Tag & Share![fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']