Hydro-Turf ProWatercross Tour dishes out an exciting weekend at Lake Hartwell, GA
Another round over and Lake Hartwell GA did not fail to deliver an exciting weekend for the Hydro-Turf ProWatercross Tour.The weather threatened to provide a wet weekend with scenes of Pro and Amateur racers alike playing in the mud on Friday before the event. It did not put a damper on the racing as again there were some victories and failures which wreaked havoc on the nerves of some of the racers.Aero Aswar stormed the weekend on-board his Yamaha and came through with some amazing wins earning him some needed Championship points in both the Pro Am Runabout Stock and Runabout Open. “It was another awesome weekend for me with lots of battles the hardest battle was with my bro!” (Aqsa Aswar) Said an extremely happy Aswar. “I made up the gap in points this weekend putting me in better contention for the Championship. My main competition is Jared Moore in Pro /Am Runabout Open,” explained Aero.Jared Moore onboard his SeaDoo RXPX almost took the Pro/Am Runabout Open checked in all three motos but with a solid 1, 1, 2 weekend he posed a major threat to his competition with his eyes on the prize. An overall win for the weekend for Moore placed a smile on everyone’s face in the Kommander camp. Aero Aswar and Erminio Iantosca rounded out the overall podium for the weekend. Lake Hartwell saw the return of Dustin Farthing for the first time this season. Plagued with mechanical issues, Farthing only managed to squeak out a few laps in moto one but pulled off a better second moto in Pro Runabout Open. Moto 3 he took the checked flag and robbed Moore of a sweeping victory. Farthing finished moto 3 on a boat that was almost all stock proving that King D still has what it takes after several months off the scene.Kommander had a strong weekend as the team brought home some hardware. “The weekend went really well, my ski was flying and I was able to get 3 hole-shots." Said Dustin Motz who took the over all in Pro Am Ski GP. “I think I had my lead up to 45 seconds before turning it down and just cruising to the end.” When asked how he felt about going in to the final round in West Virginia, Motz replied, “I feel good going into the final round. I just want to keep it simple, stay to plan and just have a clean fun weekend racing. We have a great bunch of guys in pro ski so it makes it fun racing them.” Motz also added “I want to thank my sponsors for their support, Kommander, Rockstar, skat-trak, BURN Ind., Jettrim, Villon clothing, Seadoo Centre and Fast Powersports.”Young Devin Farthing made his racing debut this weekend in Junior Ski Lites. He may not have managed a podium this time around but we all know he has a top notch coach and a bright future ahead. All the youngsters put on a great show. Mason Craft out of Fern Park FL scored a hat-trick by winning all three motos in the same class. Osric Pryor out of North Carolina and Jessie Glennon bringing 2nd and 3rd overall respectively.GL Legendre also made his way back to the race scene after a hiatus during the first part of the season. GL swept all his classes and made it known that he was happy to be back in the fold. “My Kawasaki 300 ran great with my personal knowledge of the Kawasaki’s and support from my teammate Eric Francis. This weekend was a great welcome back to racing with winning all three classes I entered. All the hard work I have done this off season paid off. I changed my diet and shed 30 pounds and getting my ski back to race ready.” Said a stoked GLBibi Carmouche worked her way around the course this weekend and made easy work in the women’s ski limited. She managed a three moto win beating out Anna Glennon, Niki Turner and Carrie Oliver all three women put in solid runs.Rick Sherker managed to sweep the Pro/AM Ski Lites with a straight win over Kody Copenhaver from Surprise AZ and Jules Hopkins of Biloxi MS.Freestyle was not without its excitement and as always was a major crowd pleaser. Prorider’s own Michael Ratti managed to take out the competition in his first time back on the water on the National level since his return from his travels. Michael was also on a freestyle machine built by Blowsion who is better known for their Free-ride and surf skis. “This was a very special event for me as it was my first Pro Win since winning the title in 2008. I would to thank Blowsion, Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine, DASA Racing, Jet Pilot, Hydro-Turf and Jet Lift for their support.” said Ratti. Definitely a solid return and a solid debut of the Blowsion ski. Chris Anyzeski took the second place podium after a discrepancy with his pro status which is currently under review. Jace Forest rounded out the podium for the weekend.Johnny Leftly put on a great show in Amateur freestyle with his old school routine which delighted the crowd to no end. Chris Langlais worked the crowd and an entertaining time on the water which gave him a second place podium and a well-earned 3rd place for the young Josh Craft. All three amateur freestylers hailing from Florida.Despite that weather, the weekend was great with a few upsets, some major returns and some epic wins leaving some Championships coming down to the wire. This is how we love it as we all wait on the edge of our seats and holding our breath to see if our favorite racers will pull off their wins. The final round will be next weekend (August 16th and 17th) in Charleston, West Virginia. We just can’t wait! See you there! Lake Hartwell Results [fblike]