Hydrocross.com website we have added a social networking component that allows all racers to sign up, create their own profiles, add their racing friends, message, create and join groups within the Hydrocross social network, shop for race gear and products and other “Facebook” style features. This feature will also allow us to directly communicate with guys instantly via groups and news feeds.The new Hydrocross site, and your registration will be one of the first steps when registering to race for the upcoming 2014 Hydrocross Tour stops, as well as the first step towards our web based (and real time) race scoring system.Please do us a favor and register on our site and create a profile as soon as you have the opportunity. Please test out all the features, let us know anything else you would like us to create as part of your profile/the social network and leave us suggestions. This is brand new and probably considered “beta testing.” You registering will help us get things moving on the site and work out the bugs prior to the start of racing. And, you the racers, will have a place for your racing profile that will display sponsors, pics, and somewhere to discuss all things PWC related!Below are a couple pics to help guide you through the singup/profile creation process.Thank you guys for the help and support!!!You can register/login on the home page either on the right hand side or at the bottom of the page. Once you click the register link you will be directed to the create account page. After you create your account and verify it through your email you can log in, and either on the side or bottom of the home page click the profile link to edit your profile. Once you have logged in and clicked the profile link you will taken to a page that allows you to set global profile settings. Change any of the settings you would like to customize for the overall overall look of your profile. Then, in the upper right hand corner you can hover over where it says Howdy (your profile name), hover over profile and click either edit or view. That’s about it… PLEASE sign up and create your profile asap before we start registration for the season, edit and enjoy
As part of the new