IJSBA INKA JET RAID WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPThe IJSBA INKA Jet Raid World Championship has been promoted since 1998. It has visited so many different countries such as Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Mali, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Greece, Paraguay, India and this year returns to Peru as in 2008.More than 20 countries involved in the IJSBA INKA Jet Raid World Championship, will fight in the Pacific coast, with secret waypoints, orienteering races, consumption, speed and closed course. It is the biggest challenge between man with a PWC and the different situations that the sea can offer. The Jet Raid is the dakar of the water.Join us in November 14th to 21th in Lima Perú.More info:https://www.facebook.com/pages/jetraid-organization/191821070977497www.fdpm.pewww.jetraid.org2014 INKA Jet Raid World Championship Video:1512863_487589598067308_251596487176790747_n Map Wakama eco resort - Cerro Azul beach Santa María beach Huarmey Beach Huacho beach Costa Verde - Lima beaches Ancon beachLike, Tag & Share![fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']