By: IJSBA, Scott Frazier
IJSBA is inviting the Personal Watercraft Racing Community to offer comments and suggestions toward any potential changes to the IJSBA Competition Rule Book for the 2023, and possibly, the 2024 competition season. This comment period was originally planned to open prior to the King's Cup finale of the 2022 IJSBA World Series but concerns about confusing current technical rules made for a pause. There has not been any major rule changes since prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Additionally, some rules that were planned for implementation in 2020 have been put in moratorium. So, this year will be a focus on evaluating the comprehensive direction of the overall philosophy of the rules as well as individual rules themselves.
If you would like to offer suggestions to changes to IJSBA's Rules system, this is the format to use. Please write us the email with the following:
- Identify yourself, where you are affiliated (USA, Japan, Kuwait, France, etc.) your experience with Personal Watercraft Racing including the recent frequency of competition and in what classes.
- Please clearly identify the rule change you want to see made. This can be a new rule or policy, a repeal of an existing rule or policy, a combination of the two, or a simple change in the parameters of an existing rule. Please include the rationale in your suggestion. What do you expect to be the effect of this rule change.
- Please include a contact method besides the email address in case you are invited to develop or defend the suggestion.
Please send your comments, by email, to Dont use e-mail? No problem. You can send a letter by parcel post to IJSBA, 790 Main Street, Second Floor, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. You can also call +1-(714) 751 8695 between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (6:00PM to 2:00AM Greenwich Mean Time) and we will write it down for you. The important thing is that you share your opinion in a way we have the ability to process.
IJSBA plans to close the suggestion period January 10, 2023. The IJSBA Managing Director will compile a list of suggestions and issue a report with recommendations on January 17. Those recommendations will sent to the IJSBA Board of Directors and a vote will be taken and a report issued by the end of January. By February 7, a draft of the rule changes will be presented for peer review. Assuming everything can stay on that timeline, the 2023 Rules should be published and effective by February 21, 2023.