IJSBA Pre Hot Products World Finals Update (Two Of Three)
Well, we broke the 20 day mark. As of the time of posting this update, Blake Corning is packing up to leave, tomorrow morning, for Lake Havasu City, Arizona in order to start work on the set up.Jim Russell, of DSM, has delivered the IJSBA trailer to Crazy Horse Campgrounds and Resort. Also, we have received our event permit from the US Coast Guard, most of our host hotels are sold out (more hotels coming soon).These are all signs that it is almost time for the start of World Finals. So, lets move ahead with the update and, before you know it the Hot Products World Finals Update #3 will be online. Please share the following news with your friends and colleagues in the PWC Racing community.1. Last few days for early registration. You have a little more than 24 hours to take advantage of discounted entry fees for the 2013 Hot Products World Finals, as of the time this update is being posted. When the clock passes 11:59 PM, PST, tomorrow, September 16, the regular entry fees will go into effect. Any entries received after that time will be charged the regular rate. If you have submitted an entry form without a valid and complete payment, you will be charged the entry fees according to the date of payment. If you do not register before October 1, you will have to pay onsite fees and you will not be able to take advantage of our snazzy new pre-registered line… save money and time and register today!!2. Promoters’ Meeting. The IJSBA US Promoters’ Meeting will take place on October 10th, 7:00PM, at Martini Bay in the London Bridge Resort. Topics for this year’s meeting will include:- Dissolving the numbered region system in the United States in favor of a named regional system that describes the territory of that region.- Future insurance needs and requirements.- New promoter sanctioning agreements for 2013.- Creation of a “Sportsman Division” of membership.- Mandatory Race Classes for 2014.- Criteria for creating new classes at the regional level.- Items brought for discussion by the promoters.Information from the meeting will be posted online likely after World Finals. It may be a good idea to talk to your promoter and share your ideas for changes and evolution at the regional level. Promoters must be in good standing to attend.3. International Affiliates Meeting. Immediately after the US Promoters’ Meeting, IJSBA will host an International Affiliates’ Meeting. The main subjects of this meeting will be uniformed class and criteria and methodology for the new IJSBA Congress of Rules which shall begin in 2015. We will also discuss future division of IJSBA authority positions. The meeting is scheduled for October 10, 9:00PM, at Martini Bay in the London Bridge Resort.4. VP Fuels Ordering Recommended. VP Fuels would like to remind all competitors that it is a very good to preorder your fuels. This especially applies to the specialty fuels that you may need to purchase (HTG users, we are talking to you). You can preorder from 3D Motorsports or Tech One, the authorized VP dealers in Lake Havasu City. You can also preorder for the pit sales by contacting Western States Petroleum, who will be handling the on-site sales, by emailing matt@westernstatespetroleum.com.5. Freestyle scoring and corral. This is a reminder that, for the 2013 Hot Products World Finals, Pro Freestyle is now a three moto system. Moto one will be during the day on Pro Saturday (October 12) at Crazy Horse. Moto Two will be the same night, under the London Bridge at dark. Moto’s one and two will be sixty second routines for half points. Moto three will be Sunday, October 13, at Crazy Horse. Moto three will be a two minute routine for full points. At the end of moto three, all the points earned from moto’s one, two, and three will be combined to calculate the overall winner and World Champion. Freestyle competitors are also reminded to attend the Fresstyle corral on Thursday, October 10 to ensure the legality of the competition craft. Here is the scoring method for 2013:Motos one and two:Pos. Points Pos. Points Pos. Points1………….10 8…………..4.5 15 …………..12………….8.5 9…………..4 16 …………..(.5)3………….7.5 10………….3.5 17 …………..(.5)4………….6.5 11………….3 18 …………..(.5)5………….6 12………….2.5 19 …………..(.5)6………….5.5 13………….2 20 …………..(.5)7………….5 14………….1.5Moto three:Pos. Points Pos. Points Pos. Points1………….20 8…………..9 15 …………..22………….17 9…………..8 16 …………..13………….15 10………….7 17 …………..14………….13 11………….6 18 …………..15………….12 12………….5 19 …………..16………….11 13………….4 20 …………..17………….10 14………….36. Corrections and apologies in advance. So, we received an entry form from a competitor named Jackson Rod who literally signed up as “Jackson (yes that’s my first name) Rod (don’t mess it up).” I am thinking it is likely that someone is going to transpose it wrong or say it wrong at the events, at least once. For this we apologize, in advance, if we indeed do mess it up. Whimsical comments and your nicknames are not going to entered into the registration system anymore and we will begin removing the ones that are in there now. So if we do not put your alter identity on the results or pit board postings, do not get upset if you see that someone else had their nickname put in. It is just the case it hasn’t been removed yet because we reused their old registration data for 2013 and did not catch it yet. In the same manner, IJSBA apologizes to those of you that willingly signed up to receive our physical mail and email notifications and are then later upset that you received physical mail and an email from us. When we receive your requests to remove you from the mailing list, it gets removed from our master list which is then merged into our publishers actual list for printing. Sometime, it takes two cycles for it to disappear from the printer’s list. We really are sorry, especially since it costs about 47 cents to mail you flyer and about 90 cents to print and prepare it. These, of course, will be the only circumstances that might possibly end up in a way other than what was planned.7. Mike Root to be Associate Race Director. That’s right folks, Ground Operations Supervisor, Mike Root, will be able to spend part of the Pro Weekend serving as an Associate Race Director. Mike is pretty stoked to expand his duties at the World Finals and has done a good job of serving in this capacity last year. He wanted to highlight his foray into this segment of event management so everyone was aware and IJSBA wants to accommodate him. We wanted to really give this matter the special attention that it deserved, so I tried to license the closing credits to the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon. Unfortunately, I did not hear back from the estate of Jay Ward so I can only provide a link to a Youtube clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz6yYQaAeGU) where you will need to imagine that it says “Mike Root” instead of “Posonby Britt” and “Race Director” instead of “Executive Producer.” My apologies for anyone under the age of 40 who probably can’t really relate to the Rocky and Bullwinkle reference (likewise, my apologies to anyone who can relate to it but didn’t think that it was amusing enough to dedicate a whole paragraph in a pre World Finals update).8. Sport GP and community created scoring. So many of you are signing up for Sport GP. Some of you competed in a regional and US National Tour class that used community created rules and want to race under those rules at World Finals. We will have a supplemental entry form at check-in which will incur a $25 cash fee. IJSBA will assemble those entries and community representatives will inspect the Sport GP watercraft of those entrants in the order in which they finished in Sport GP. The top ten persons in this class will receive an additional number plate so long as they are found to be incompliance with both GP rules and the community created “Sport Open Spec” rules. These competitors will also earn points for whatever position they earn in GP Sport. The top ten plates, in both classes, will be handed out at awards night on Sunday, October 13. Please contact IJSBA by emailing info@ijsba.com if you have absolutely any questions about this.9. IJSBA was out at the Sea-Doo press release and test rode their new offering: The Sea-Doo Spark. The tentative plan for 2014 is that, once this new unit homologates, that the product will take the classification of Runabout Lites as a Stock Class that will accommodate the Spark in Stock Class as well as two stroke runabouts up to 749cc built to Stock Class specifications. IJSBA plans to offer these Runabout Lites in the following designations: Junior 14-15, Novice, and Pro-Am. IJSBA plans to develop a 1000cc Normally Aspirated Open Class for Amateur and Pro Am ranks for which the Spark would be eligible. IJSBA plans to request Sea-Doo not homologate this unit for unrestricted Open or GP categories due to the potential to create a disproportionate horsepower to weight ratios. We sure are excited about any new product that comes into the PWC Racing family but we are going to stay pretty conservative until we flush out exactly where this new type of product belongs. IJSBA will be inviting persons with several different types of runabouts from 701cc to 1200cc, in various forms of modification, to testing meetings over the winter to ensure that we properly calibrate this new PWC for the correct divisions of racing. We are going to want your input on this right away as nothing will be official until the rule change period for the 2014 IJSBA Rule Book. Please send your comments to info@ijsba.com.Ok, that is it for weekly pre Hot Products World Finals update #2. Please stay tuned to IJSBA for other news that will be coming through over the next few days. IJSBA is looking forward to seeing all of you in Havasu in just a couple of weeks.IJSBA.com[fblike]