It’s not over until the fat lady sings, and her performance begins this weekend with the I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals. Following suit will be the King’s Cup in Thailand, and then China Race. Brought to you by: Quakysense, Riva Racing, Blowsion, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Sea-Doo, K&S Kuwait, M&M Marine, and Fly Board! The 2013 racing season was one of hard work, endless hours in the garage, and thousands of miles spent on the road and has all led up to one of Jettribe’s largest attending event of the year in which we pack one 53 foot semi-truck and a 33 foot race trailer all full of gear. The I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals is finally upon us, that countdown is now just a few short days. Jettribe is proud to announce that 15 Jettribe Team Riders will be competing in a multitude of classes from standup, sit down, and even free style this year. From every corner of the world people will be flying in to compete for the World Title for the next year and have the humble right to stand in that top position. Jettribe riders will be coming from the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Australia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Utah, California, and Arizona. The I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals will be taking place in Lake Havasu City, Arizona and it will be I.J.S.B.A.’s 32nd year of helping to keep the Jet Ski racing alive. It will be an amazing event and one not to be overlooked.
James Bushell will spend about 12 hours traveling to the site, traveling all the way from the United Kingdom where he has spent a great deal of time on his famous SeaDoo 158 Performance boat helping his dad run their shop and creating jet skis for those that wish for a jet ski that can go as fast as his. We’re stoked to see him race in the coming week at I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals and also at the King’s Cup to see just how fast he can go. We get to watch him battle it out in the fastest racing class against Abdullah Al-Fadhel and many more for a final chance to claim the title of having the fastest boat and to decide who the fastest racer in Pro R/A Open is.
Another great Jettribe Pro R/A Open racer is Erminio Iantosca, who will be flying in from Naples, Florida and is going to fight his heart out once again in the Pro R/A Open Class and Pro R/A GP Class to stand on top of the podium. He will be competing at World Finals and possibly King’s Cup in the same classes It will be great to see him compete against James Bushell and another Jettribe Team Rider Aero Aswar. Speaking of Aero Aswar, he is our second international rider. Flying all the way from Indonesia to compete in the Pro Runabout Open and GP Runabout, it will be an interesting battle to watch this young but experienced rider compete at World Finals and King’s Cup. It is more than a dream but a possibility for Jettribe Factory Riders to claim the top spots!
Corey Heimann, a natural born gentleman from Texas will be traveling to I.J.S.B.A World Finals, the China Race, and King’s Cup in Thailand. Although he did not make many of the races during the season, he is making it a point to attend and compete in three of the year’s largest races. At World Finals he will be competing in Vets R/A limited and Amateur R/A Open, in the China race he will be competing in the 800cc, 200hp, and GP Open class, and finally in the King’s Cup he will be racing in the Vets R/A Limited.
This next rider is not only a part of the Jettribe Racing Family and well-known friend, but also the man to call when a semi -truck needs to be moved. Charlie Martinez and his team at Definite Deliveries have been a major help this season moving the 53 foot Jettribe semi-truck from HQ to the West Coast Series locations in Lake Perris and Lake Elsinore. He will be doing it one more time this coming weekend to get all the gear from our California Headquarters to Arizona for I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals. While there he plans to race in the Vet Class, Pro-Am Stock, Amateur Stock, and Open Expert on his #9 boat. It will be great seeing our friend and rider compete for the World Title in these four classes!
With warm water and sunny days, Florida seems to be one of the major places to compete and battle it out on a Personal Watercraft (PWC). Another one of Jettribe’s Team Riders competing in Arizona is Eric Lagopoulos a Florida native who has been sweeping the boards in the Aqua-X Tour in the Pro R/A Stock Class, which is what he plans to race while at World Finals. Though he is used to racing in the ocean, it will be a great show to watch what he can do on flat water.
One of Jettribe’s longest sponsors and friends, Renee Hill!
Heidi “the Hurricane” Cortel is new to Jettribe and is the first female Free Stylist Rider in the Jettribe Family! Based out of Southern California, we first spotted her and scooped her up at the Jettribe West Coast Finals. Jettribe looks forward to seeing her perform at the World Finals and possibly in China with the Jettribe Crew. This head turning free stylist is someone you won’t want to miss in at I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals!
Two of Jettribe’s stand up racers that will be competing against each other at World Finals; Rick Sherker and Brock Austin. Rick Sherker, a native Pennsylvanian has been battling it out all season with Rob Flores. He took second overall in the National Tour and everyone is expecting nothing less for the World Finals in Pro Am Ski GP and Pro Ski Open and in King’s Cup he will be racing in Pro Ski Open where he keeps spectators on their toes. Brock Austin is another young professional rider that lives in Utah but has been staying in Lake Havasu City to prepare for the World Finals. He plans to race in Expert Limited, Pro-AM Limited, Pro-Am Stock, and Amateur Open. Don’t blink as these two racers compete for the titles in the fastest stand up classes. Geno Curran and Molly Curran are also from Pennsylvania! Geno and Molly both race a stand up and compete in the Eastern Region! We wish them all good luck to the Jettribe Stand up riders and cannot wait for the competition to begin!
Team Rider Brock Austin
Team Rider Geno Curran with his 113 Ski! Catch him at the I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals this weekend!
This sport has learned long ago to not discriminate against the racers because anything is possible when it’s time to battle it out on the water. Kylie Ellmers is an example of a great female racer who dominates the competition. We are proud to call her a Jettribe Rider for the last few years, she comes to us from Australia enduring a 20+ hour flight to compete at World Finals and then a slightly shorter trip to race in the King’s Cup. She is not the only feared female Jettribe Rider when it comes to a boat and the water: Renee Hill will be participating in her 16th I.J.S.B.A World Finals and an additional one of Jettribe’s longest sponsored riders, since 1995 actually! Her and her family competed in the West Coast Series where the Hill name resonated through people’s ears. She will be serving up a few lessons when she races in the Women’s R/A class at this year’s World Finals.Heidi “the Hurricane” Cortel is new to Jettribe and is the first female Free Stylist Rider in the Jettribe Family! Based out of Southern California, we first spotted her and scooped her up at the Jettribe West Coast Finals. Jettribe looks forward to seeing her perform at the World Finals and possibly in China with the Jettribe Crew. This head turning free stylist is someone you won’t want to miss in at I.J.S.B.A Hot Products World Finals!
Team Rider Molly Curran is known for rocking out on her jet ski!
Another Arizona native is Charles Anderson. He is a great racer in the Aspirated Class that lives in Lake Havasu City, but took the Aspirated Class by storm in this year’s Jettribe West Coast Series. It will be interesting to how well he places on his home turf, so be sure not to miss it!
Our latest Floridian, Brent Venderley is new to the Jettribe Family this season and it has been a great beginning! For only being in his second year of racing, he placed podium on the national tour in the Pro Stock Class and teamed up with Brad Clark putting together the Jettribe Pro-Hydro X Tour which was a hit as their first year of organizing the races. We look forward to their Tour in the coming seasons as they are talking about bigger and better events and locations… the Bahamas? Brent will be at World Finals nonetheless, as a promoter and to show support for a sport that he has proven over and over to more than care about.
A great Jettribe Team rider that will not be present at World Finals but will be at King’s Cup is Jaime lee Spence. She is a young Australian female racer who is making a name for herself on the other side of the world. Mainly competing in Thailand this season, she will be racing for the title in Novice Two Stroke and possibly Women’s Ski Limited at King’s Cup this year. Keep an eye out for this ever growing racer from down under.Jettribe is proud to sponsor an array of PWC racers with the best gear on the market today. We personally know how tough this industry can be, but also how the love for the sport can shine through. Like a ray of light peeking through the window, it may be small at first but eventually it grows into something everyone can see. If our riders have taught us anything, it is to not be discouraged by anything that gets in your way of racing. Jettribe’s 15 racers from near and far, of varying ages and gender are proof that with the determination you can succeed in anything you put your mind to. Jettribe Racers are all but more than willing to help out a new rider because they know what it is like to be a beginner, that it helps keep the industry going, and the competition alive. World Finals, the China Race, and King’s cup will all be times of change and excitement as we watch racers take the title championship whether they are novice, amateur, expert, or pro. As we say goodbye to the 2013 Race Season, along with summer, we at Jettribe know that the 2014 season will be here before we know it once again and with it new parts for speed, lessons, traveling to the beach, and good times, making fond memories with friends we’re glad to meet. Here’s to a great season thus far and safe racing in the last couple of races. Don’t get caught without Jettribe, our riders don’t. Remember to have fun and to always be safe!
You have to admit Jettrim sponsors A LOT of racers! I don’t know if they are the biggest team or not but they sure have the credibility to make a post like this: