All of us at Prorider are stoked to be invited to the annual Liquid Militia Team Weekend where all kinds of antics and crazy tricks go down!One thing that is great is that some of the Freeriders get to unveil their new skis. Zack Bright unveiled his new steed today and placed the ski on display....for a short while anyway. Here it is! Zack stated "Here is my new Blowsion painted and built Krash Industries Predator. I am speechless. MASSIVE thanks to everyone who made this possible. Johnny you've done it again! Thank you Burn Industries, Krash Industries, Blowsion, Dasa Racing Liquidmilitia, HydroTurf, SkatTrak , Gopole, Champion Timepieces, The Jet Lift Proridermag and Rynopower"[fblike]