PR: How are you feeling Chris?MACC: I'm feeling pretty good, bit jet lagged but feeling strong.
PR: How is the race site and course set up over there? MACC: Race site looks good. We will have a running beach start rather than a rolling start, like the first round.There will be three different first turn buoys. Top five go to a closer first turn, then 6-15 a bit further away and then 16-25 even further away. This keeps it safe and gives the top qualifiers their advantage.Qualifying works as follows. The riders all get a 20 min session with a goal to making it into the top ten. The top ten will then go to a final 10 min qualifying practice. This is fun and makes it quite exciting. Times are displayed on big digital board live.
There are two motos for the overall. We have a 20 min warm-up each morning before race then we race around two.
We also have a dual slalom Thursday night which is always fun.
How is your ski running are we looking good?
Today Rusty built the two engines. Tomorrow and Thursday we will test and get the ski dialed in.
PR: So how is Italy treating you and Rachel and the family? MACC: Italy has been fun. This race is running in conjunction with a big music festival with DJs etc. We got to hit Moto GP and this has been highlight for us, so far. We also have been able to spend some good times with Rachel's parents. We have a deal, if I win they will watch Mac and Lily and we will go out and get smashed! (laughs) We haven't had a good club night in forever! If all goes well we will be on top. I will keep you and all the Prorider readers updated each day, exclusively!!We are super stoked to have Chris keep us up to date on all the antics in Italy. We know he will win the baby sitting deal no doubt! 
Our new roving reporter the one and only G.O.A.T. Chris Maccluggage will be sending us exclusive updates on his progress from the AquaBike in Milan, Italy. We are certainly all cheering him on from here!