Pro Rider Welcomes NorCal Watersports!Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine would like to welcome on board NorCal Watersports to it's ever growing family of distributors! Norcal Watersports will be at the following locations so far this year where you can grab yourself a copy of Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine: Crescent City Freeride at Crescent City, CA.- April 18-19DJSA Race 1 at Camp Far West, CA. - April 25-26IJSBA at Sparks, NV. - June 20-21DJSA Race 4-5 Jet Effects at Camp Far West - July 25-26DJSA Race 6-7 National Points at Mossdale, CA. - August 22-23Blowsion Surf Slam at Pacific City, OR. - Sept. 11-13 If you would like to become a distributor for Pro Rider Magazine or would be interested advertising, please contact Vanessa Ratti: or 770-580-5271[fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']