The rule book contains hundreds of hours of work from experienced professionals within the industry and the key component to success will be a rule book that creates fair competition for not only professional athletes, but for amateur athletes as well. Check it out at
Source: Pro Watercross Tour Media[fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']
PRO WATERCROSS 2015 COMPETITION RULE BOOKWe are proud to present the 2015 Pro Watercross Competition Rule book; we have put a lot of time and thought into the rule book in order to make it a better product for our competitors. This rule book is for the watercross community and it will continue to evolve as we make improvements. Pro Watercross wants to bring greater recognition and advancement to the sport; the input from our athletes, team mechanics and crew members is extremely valuable to us and as you read through this rule book we encourage you to send any comments and/or concerns.