by Craig Nicholson, The Intrepid Cottager That’s why Sea-Doo watercraft from many model years and of every color dominated the Watercraft Ride for Dad at Ontario’s world famous 1000 Islands on August 24. If you haven’t been here, it’s a must-visit for Sea-Doo touring! Many couples and families joined solo riders of all ages (including me) on more than 30 watercraft for the launch of the almost three hour ride hosted by Sea-Doo dealer Ed Huck Marine in Rockport, Ontario.
Guided by Ed Huck’s Peter Johnston, we explored many of the 1000 Islands, collecting chips redeemable for cards in the poker run part of the event, with prizes worth about $800 up for grabs at the post-ride BBQ. Yes, we ride participants were there to raise money to support the fight against prostate cancer, and our collected pledges totalled almost $6,000. But this Watercraft Ride For Dad is also one of the few opportunities for Sea-Doo owners to meet, socialize, find new riding buddies and go on an organized ride. With the growing interest in Sea-Doo touring, many participants were definitely looking to connect with others who want to discover new places. Ride For Dad is a Canadian charity dedicated to saving men’s lives by supporting prostate cancer research and raising public awareness of the disease. Ride For Dad events have been taking place in Canada for over 10 years.
What started out as a single motorcycle event and grew to multiple rides across Canada has now expanded to embrace snowmobiles, ATVs and personal watercraft. Today, more than 250,000 men, women and children have been involved and Ride For Dad has donated more than $9 million towards the cause. That’s the big picture, but we Sea-Doo riders were there to have fun, and I can state unequivocally, “mission accomplished”. What better way to spend a fantastic day on the water for a great cause? Be sure to check out Watercraft Ride For Dad next summer! by Craig Nicholson, The Intrepid Cottager[fblike]
It was a glorious hot summer day, with bright blue skies and sparkling waters on the St. Lawrence River – ideal for PWC riding, and perfect for a fun event.